Hi everyone! 👋🏻
I'm Katie. I was here for a bit and took a break after having a baby. I never really got going on this, but I'm here to stay this time!
I'm almost 30 years old, a mother of 3, into big spiders, big snakes, and big... 👀
Well... alright, I'm pan, so I'm kinda into big everything 😅.
But in all seriousness, I'm a spider fanatic, I could talk tarantulas all day, and sometimes I do! I keep all sorts of animals (allergy warning ⚠️) including 3 cats and 3 dogs. I also run a full scale rodentry, working with rats, mice, gerbils, Chinese dwarf hamsters, and African soft furred rats!
I absolutely adore the normally creepy crawly critters, but I also really enjoy more "normal" things.
I collect depression and uranium gla**, healing crystals 🔮, I love reading and video games, and painting (although I'm not very good 🥲). I keep tons of house plants, and have a soft spot for anything philodendron.
I'm honestly not great at talking about myself past my hobbies and my kiddos, but I'd love to talk with you!
Feel free to dm me any time ❤️