Hello! Thanks for stopping by!
Im a 30 something year old man that works 90% of the time. I get a few weeks alone to myself a year, the rest of my life is spent flying across Canada, and sometimes the states for work.
When I do get time to myself I like to plan some crazy hedonistic rituals, which is why I have signed up here!
If I have followed you it’s because you possess something that sparks my interest for a future event, and that I would like to remind myself later of this. Sort of like a catalogue that I’ve circled what I want already, and just waiting to buy.
In the meantime, I do appreciate casual conversations and getting to know people. I do sometimes like to buy digital items to make my days working less mundane.
You are more than welcome to contact me anytime about anything. I do enjoy and am great at the art of bantering, although trying to instantly sell me something won’t likely work.